Le 12ème Congrès National de Pharmacovigilance Pharmacovigilance : Affaire de tous

Eventeo vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis dav praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis dav praesentium voluptatum atque corrupti quos dolores.


Learn from others
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, business meeting 2019.

Networking with others
Currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration.

Improve your skills
Business day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use another calendar.

Accueil des participants
Séance d’Inauguration
Le Secrétaire Général du Ministère de la Santé La Présidente de la SMPV La Directrice du CAPM Le Directeur de la DMP
Système National de Pharmacovigilance : 30 ans après …
Success History
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar.
Failurness History
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar.
New Year Plan
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar.
New Year Introduction
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar.
Previous Year Achivement
Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. In general definitions of music will include common elements such as pitch the sonic qualities of timbre.
New Years Topics
Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. In general definitions of music will include common elements such as pitch the sonic qualities of timbre.
New Years Goal
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar.
New Years Topics
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar.
New Years Plan
In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar.


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